Great companies have great sales processes. The problem is the process is run differently by each and every sales rep. And that sucks.
The BZ Sales Operating System fixes that.
How Do You Do Sales?
Great companies typically have a tried-and-true sales process, from discovery to close. But those processes are run differently by every rep. And when every rep manages the sales process in their own way, it leads to inefficiency, salespeople who lack accountability, and limited visibility for your leadership team. Long sales cycles, inflated pipelines, and cloudy forecasts are just a few of the results.
The problem isn’t knowing what to do. The problem is knowing how to do it. And that’s what the BZ Sales Operating System is all about.
The BZSOS is built on 25 years of experience and an extensive set of tools proven to address every aspect of the sales cycle, from filling the top of the funnel through planning, process, and decision. More than a sales methodology, an operating system allows you to:
- Sell more effectively
- Scale easily
- Measure, coach, and monitor your team

BZSOS Will Help You and Your Team

Get Your
Head Right
The foundation of everything we teach is the BZ Guiding Principles. We know that what we believe and feel inevitably shows up in our actions and words. The Guiding Principles are 10 codified energies and lenses critical to the life of any salesperson. As we develop more self-awareness of these principles, we’re better able to be in the right headspace when we take action throughout the sales cycle. If we approach our market with an abundant mindset, for example, without fear of scarcity, we sell without being perceived as another needy, desperate salesperson.

Shorten Your Sales Cycle and
Eliminate Ghosting
The vast majority of sales opportunities are lost because of a lack of discipline to following an agreed-to and calendared process. The result? Long sales cycles, frequent ghosting, and a lack of efficiency that often sounds like, “I’ll check in with you early next week.” The BZSOS teaches a systematic approach to creating a mutually accepted sales timeline and strategies that virtually eliminate ghosting.

Control the
When it comes to performance, most sales teams can be seen as a bell curve. While the right side of the curve drives your sales organization, the left side shouldn’t be ignored.
Below average performers negatively impact your topline revenue and ability to hit metrics. Over time, underperforming reps can drain the accountability out of your entire sales organization.
The BZSOS allows sales veterans and newbies to train in the same environment with unlimited opportunity for reinforcement and mastery of every tool in the operating system. It also helps you objectively evaluate poor performers and manage them up or out.

Forecast with
Salespeople can be a pretty optimistic bunch. Especially when it comes to forecasting. Without rigorous inspection of the deals in your pipeline, the quality of your forecast will hinge on your sales team’s “think-believes” (I think, I believe, I’m pretty sure…). And when we hear “think-believes,” we know that we don’t really know.
The BZSOS teaches salespeople how to keep their pipeline clean and up to date. At the same time, sales leaders learn how to better inspect the deals in their pipeline to know what’s really real. And when the team expects to be inspected, you’ll begin to forecast with clarity and confidence.

Put the Pedal
to the Metal
Experience tells us there are times when we need to tweak our sales strategy – sometimes so we can make the most of every opportunity and other times when we’re starting from a deficit. Sales Accelerators teach you when and how to hit the gas to add momentum to your sales efforts and clarity to your pipeline.

Onboard with Ease and Get
Support When You Need It
All BZSOS content is available in our LMS or yours so you can onboard and upskill new reps quickly and efficiently, and revisit content and reinforce sales tools until your team has mastered them and are BZSOS Certified.
BZSOS Installation Path
No one knows your market, team, culture, and product like you do. That’s why at least 2 members of your team will be certified as BZSOS Operations Coordinators. After a 3-day intensive training session, newly certified OCs will return to your organization to install the BZSOS in a regular cadence. We empower your team to teach and tailor the tools to your organization – and support you along the way.

As a Blind Zebra® client, you’ll be in good company.
Ready to learn more about the Blind Zebra® Sales Operating System?